Imazhi i parë ndonjëherë i Hijes së një vrime të zezë

Scientists have successfully taken first ever picture of the shadow of a vrimë e zezë providing direct observation of its immediate environment

Image taken from “EHTC, Akiyama K et al 2019, ‘First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Vrima e zezë‘, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 875, no. L1.”

Super-masive vrimat e zeza were first predicted by Einstein in 1915 in his General Theory of Relativity when he showed gravity bends light. There have been many developments since then but never any direct evidence. Scientists were only able to detect them indirectly. The first real picture of the shadow of a super massive vrimë e zezë has now been captured providing first direct evidence of their presence, thanks to ”The Horizonti ngjarje Teleskop Bashkëpunimi”.

La vrimat e zeza are extremely compressed mass in a very small region. Its gravity is so high that nothing at all escapes if gets too close to its boundary. The Horizonti ngjarje is the boundary around the vrimë e zezë that marks what is inside and what is outside. Once anything crosses this boundary, it gets swallowed and can never come out. Vrima të zeza swallow all light therefore they are invisible and cannot be seen or pictured.

The intense gravity of vrimë e zezë attracts and pulls interstellar gas onto itself faster and faster. This heats up the gas immensely and light radiation is emitted. These emissions are warped into a circular ring by the gravity of the vrimë e zezë.

A vrimë e zezë itself is invisible but its shadow against super-heated gas cloud around it could be pictured.

Black hole’s presence couldn’t be directly observed uptill now mainly due to the fact that vrimat e zeza are extremely small targets for the available radio telescopes which were not capable enough to observe their event horizon. Observing vrimat e zeza directly needed building an ingenious telescope virtually the size of Earth.

It took about a decade to organise a network of telescopes called the ”Event Horizon Telescope” spanning the face of the Earth which combined eight separate telescopes in Mexico, Arizona, Hawaii, Chile and South Pole. All eight dishes of the telescope needed to be linked and pointed towards the vrimë e zezë at exactly the same time. The signals received by the telescopes were combined by a correlator (a super computer) to give an image of the event horizon of the vrimë e zezë.

Suksesi i këtij eksperimenti është një përparim i rëndësishëm në astronomi.


{Mund të lexoni punimin origjinal kërkimor duke klikuar lidhjen DOI të dhënë më poshtë në listën e burimeve të cituara}

Burimi (s)

1. EHTC, ​​Akiyama K et al 2019. Rezultatet e teleskopit të parë M87 Event Horizon. I. Hija e vrimës së zezë supermasive'. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 875(L1)

2. Max Planck Institute for radio Astronomy, 2019. First-ever picture of a black hole. Retrieved from


4. Komisioni Evropian – Njoftim për shtyp, 2019. Shkencëtarët e financuar nga BE zbulojnë imazhin e parë të një vrime të zezë. Marrë nga

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