COVID-19: Sëmundja e shkaktuar nga Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Emri i ri nga OBSH

The disease caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been given new name COVID-19 by the international body WHO which makes no reference to any of the people, places or animals associated with this virus.

Sëmundja e shkaktuar nga vdekjeprurëse koronavirus i romanit që ka marrë mijëra jetë deri më tani i është vënë një emër i ri COVID-19

Akronimi COVID-19 qëndron për Corona virus Sëmundje 2019, as this highly infectious sëmundje was first diagnosed last year.

Under international guidelines, the W.H.O. “has to find a name that does not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the sëmundje, "

In keeping with this policy to avoid stigmatising, WHO chose the new name COVID-19 which makes no reference to any of the people, places or animals associated with this virus.


Scientific European® | | Përparime të rëndësishme në shkencë. Ndikimi në njerëzimin. Mendjet frymëzuese.

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