Prodhimi i glukozës i ndërmjetësuar nga glukagoni në mëlçi mund të kontrollojë dhe parandalojë diabetin

An important marker for diabet development has been identified.

Dy hormonet e rëndësishme të prodhuara në pankreas - glukagon insulinë – kontrolli i duhur glukozë nivelet në përgjigje të ushqimit që konsumojmë. Glukagoni rrit prodhimin e glukozës hepatike (HGP) dhe insulina e zvogëlon atë. Ata të dy kontrollojnë homeostazën e glukozës në gjak. Kur jemi duke agjëruar, glukagoni sekretohet nga qelizat a të pankreasit për të rritur glukozën në gjak në trup për të mbrojtur trupin nga një gjendje e quajtur hipoglikemia ku nivelet e glukozës në gjak të një personi bien në mënyrë drastike dhe çon në simptoma. Glukagoni është i përfshirë në zhvillimin e hiperglicemisë diabetike kur rritet prodhimi i glukozës hepatike (HGP). Insulina shtyp prodhimin e glukozës përmes transkriptimit të rregullt mëlçi cells. A protein called Transcription factor Foxo1 plays an important role in regulating expression of genes and promoting HGP by increasing expression of genes which are responsible for production of glucose. Disruption of proper HGP is understood as a key primary mechanism for development of Type 2 diabet.

Në një studim të botuar në Diabet, researchers from Texas A&M University USA set out to understand the role of Foxo1 in how glucagon regulates HGP. They wanted to better understand the fundamentals of blood glucose homeostasis and pathogenesis of diabetes. Glucagon does its function by binding to a GPCR receptor, stimulating the cell membrane to activate protein kinase A which then signals gene expression to increase blood glucose. The levels of glucagon are extremely high in humans with diabet and this stimulates excess production of HGP.

Researchers investigated Foxo1 regulation through phosphorylation i.e. attachment of a phosphoryl group. Phosphorylation is an important part of protein function and is responsible for activating or deactivating almost 50 percent of enzymes present in our body, and thereby regulating their function. Researchers used mice model and gene editing to generate Foxo1 ‘knock in’ mice. Foxo1 was stabilised in mëlçi of mice (who were fasting) when insulin was decreased and glucagon increased in the bloodstream. The study clearly showed that if hepatic Foxo1 was deleted, hepatic glucose production (HGP) and blood glucose was decreased in mice. Thus, a novel mechanism has been identified for the first time in which Foxo1 mediates glycogen signalling via phosphorylation in order to control blood glucose.

Foxo1 is an important protein that acts as a mediator for various pathways integrating hormones and other proteins to control insulin sensitivity. Since high glucagon levels are present both in Type 1 and Type 2 diabet, Foxo1 will play an important role in the fundamental mechanism leading to diabetic hyperglycaemia. The study suggests that glucagon mediated HGP can be a potential therapeutic intervention for control and also possible prevention of diabet.


{Mund të lexoni punimin origjinal kërkimor duke klikuar lidhjen DOI të dhënë më poshtë në listën e burimeve të cituara}

Burimi (s)

Yuxin W et al. 2018. Mekanizmi i ri i fosforilimit Foxo1 në sinjalizimin e glukagonit në kontrollin e homeostazës së glukozës.Diabet. 67 (11).


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